Exclusive: Sabrina Elofer sentenced to time served in Yukom binary options scam
Sabrina Elofer has also agreed to pay more than $2.9 million in restitution, pursuant to her plea agreement.
Sabrina Elofer has also agreed to pay more than $2.9 million in restitution, pursuant to her plea agreement.
The BeeOptions operators fraudulently obtained more than $51 million from Binary Options customers in the United States.
Israeli authorities refused to provide a reason for the charges being dropped against Roey Hayun and 24option.
The move comes after a similar US-Israel operation blew up earlier this month, after bringing down a supposed crypto trading scam.
One of the arrests in the Crypto scam was of a (still unidentified) prominent, well known Israeli businessman.
The CFTC has secured an entry of default against John D. Black, founder of fraudulent entities Financial Tree and Financial Solution Group.
The DOJ requests an order to stay final resolution of the CFTC case against binary options scam Y Trading and its operator.
The CFTC has not yet served the complaint on eight of the ten defendants in $165 million binary options scam lawsuit.
A hearing in the CFTC case targeting binary options scam Yukom Communications gets delayed again.
The Cease and Desist Order targets binary options and cryptocurrency scams Vertex Trade Options, Zolarex Ltd and IBPC Corp.