CFTC confirms ongoing impact to reporting due to cyber incident at ION
Staff of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Divisions of Clearing and Risk, Market Participants, Data, and Market Oversight today released a statement to update the public on reporting delays due to the cyber-related incident at ION Cleared Derivatives, a subsidiary of ION Markets, a third-party service provider of cleared derivatives order management, order execution, trading, and trade processing:
“Although the impact of the cyber-related incident at ION has been mitigated, firms that are responsible for reporting are continuing to experience some issues with respect to the submission of timely and accurate data to the CFTC. As a result, the weekly Commitments of Traders report, that is produced by CFTC staff, will continue to be delayed until all trades can be reported. A report will be published upon receipt and validation of data from those firms.
“Further, CFTC staff recognizes there remain impacts to some reporting firms due to the incident at ION. Each affected reporting firm should continue their best efforts to expedite compliance obligations in preparing the daily large trader reports required under Part 17 of the Commission’s regulations, working with CFTC staff, to ensure timely compliance. A reporting firm should also file revised reports once the reporting firm’s systems are operational. CFTC staff will consider any necessary further action as appropriate.”
Let’s recall that ICE Futures U.S., Inc and CME Group have warned of issues with a third-party software vendor affecting reporting.