Nadex bans trader for engaging in prohibited transactions and activities
Kameshia Hazard’s Nadex Membership has been revoked, her account terminated, and she has been permanently banned from trading on Nadex Markets.
Kameshia Hazard’s Nadex Membership has been revoked, her account terminated, and she has been permanently banned from trading on Nadex Markets.
Nadex has banned Nathan Peachey for failing to disclose that he was indicted for fraud and money laundering.
Nadex has banned Liang Zheng for engaging in a manipulative scheme to defraud Nadex markets in at least 12 binary option contracts.
Nicole Hedrick’s Nadex Membership is revoked and she has been permanently banned from trading on Nadex Markets.
Nadex has issued disciplinary notices to 14 traders who have violated the rules of the Exchange by engaging in a manipulative scheme.
Nadex has determined that Shuk Hung has engaged in manipulative activity to the detriment of other market participants.
Hsinchi Wu’s Nadex Membership has been revoked, his Nadex account terminated, and he is permanently banned from trading on Nadex.
Nadex has revoked Rodney Blackford’s membership, his account is terminated, and he has been permanently banned from trading on Nadex markets.
Nadex has banned Alexandre Denlinger for engaging in manipulative conduct between March 1, 2017 through March 28, 2018.
Nadex revokes membership of Xie Wang, and permanently bans him from trading on Nadex markets.