TradingView offers more alerts for each plan
TradingView has split the alert limits into price and technical categories to give traders more alerts.
The maximum number of active alerts for each plan is shown below:
- Basic — 2
- Pro — 40
- Pro+ — 200
- Premium — 800
The number of active alerts of each type can be seen in the alert manager counters:
- P is for Price
- T is for Technical
An alert is considered Price when the following two conditions are met:
- only a symbol is used in the alert (for any type of chart: Bars, Renko, PnF, etc) and a price value
- one of the following is selected as the trigger condition:
- Crossing
- Crossing Up
- Crossing Down
- Greater Than
- Less Than
An alert is considered Technical if any of the following conditions are met:
- the alert uses an overlay symbol, indicator, drawing or strategy
- one of the following is selected as the trigger condition:
- Entering Channel
- Exiting Channel
- Inside Channel
- Outside Channel
- Moving Up
- Moving Down
- Moving Up %
- Moving Down %