Nomura partners with QUICK to operate sponsored research business
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd and Nomura Investor Relations Co., Ltd today announced that they have entered into a partnership with QUICK Corp to operate a sponsored research business.
A sponsored research business involves the creation, publication, and distribution to investors of research reports on stock-issuing companies (issuers), paid for by the issuers themselves. Since the analyst coverage provided by securities companies comprises mainly large-cap stocks, the partnership will meet the needs of investors looking for coverage that offers a broader scope of research.
It will also allow issuers to directly communicate their strategies to institutional and individual investors in Japan and overseas, in addition to the analyst reports provided by securities companies.
Reports will be jointly planned by the three companies and will include analysis of the issuer’s business, including its strengths and weaknesses, as well as information on the issuer’s business plans and earning trends. They will be written by QUICK analysts and distributed to institutional investors through financial information terminals such as QUICK.
Abridged versions of the original reports will also be made available to individual investors through membership sites operated by QUICK and Nomura IR, and through Nomura Securities. Nomura IR will handle procedures related to contracts with issuers and marketing.
The partnership will leverage Nomura Securities’ strong network with issuers, domestic and foreign institutional investors and individual investors, QUICK’s wealth of data on issuers and markets, and Nomura IR’s expertise in helping issuers communicate corporate information to investors. By providing high-quality reports, the three companies will strive to meet the needs of issuers and investors and contribute to the development of Japanese capital markets.
Publication of reports is expected to begin around September.