ASX opens consultation on its approach to deliver CHESS replacement
Today ASX released a public consultation paper asking for feedback on the two-stage approach it has proposed for the delivery of CHESS replacement, as well as the proposed implementation plan for the clearing service, which is to be delivered in the first release.
CHESS is the clearing and settlement system for Australia’s securities market, and this consultation paper follows an extensive reassessment by ASX of the solution design for a replacement of CHESS that would serve the whole market. In November 2023 ASX announced it would proceed with a product based solution design for CHESS replacement that would be delivered by global technology provider TATA Consultancy Services (TCS).
As part of that announcement, ASX confirmed it was proposing to implement the new platform in two main releases, with the clearing service to be delivered in a first release (Release 1) and the settlement and subregister services to follow in a second release (Release 2).
ASX recognises that industry support is critical to the successful delivery of CHESS replacement and the release of today’s paper is the first of two consultations ASX will conduct to ensure it is engaging with stakeholders on key elements of CHESS replacement’s detailed design and implementation.
In developing this consultation paper, ASX engaged with key stakeholders including those on the ASX Business Committee and the CHESS Replacement Technical Committee. ASX has also updated the Cash Equities Clearing and Settlement Advisory Group on this consultation process and expects to discuss its proposed response with the Advisory Group.
The primary audience for feedback includes CHESS users such as Approved Market Operators (AMOs), software providers and clearing and settlement participants, but any interested stakeholder is welcome to contribute.
ASX has previously stated that the indicative timeframe for implementation of the first release is 2026 and that the scenarios being considered for the second release estimate implementation in 2028 or 2029.
Stakeholders wishing to provide feedback on the draft consultation will have until 24 April 2024 to make a submission. ASX will then take the time to assess the submissions and provide its response paper in June.
The second consultation paper is expected to be released in Q3 2024.