Alipay+ launches on KHQR, facilitating cross-border mobile payments into Cambodia
Alipay+ enabled more than 10 international payment apps in Cambodia via KHQR, the country’s national standardized QR code payment.
Alipay+ enabled more than 10 international payment apps in Cambodia via KHQR, the country’s national standardized QR code payment.
Alipay+ will support BNP Paribas in helping its merchants implement cross-border mobile payment solutions from international payment applications.
Alipay+ now enables users of 14 overseas mobile wallets and bank apps from 9 countries and regions to make seamless payment in Hong Kong.
Ant Group, the operator of Alipay+, today announced that a total of four mobile wallets are now accepted in the Philippines.
Over 1.7m merchants in South Korea are now able to accepts payments from popular digital payment apps including Alipay, AlipayHK, TrueMoney.
The partnership will enable all Malaysian mobile banking apps and e-wallets supported by PayNet to be accepted by Alipay+ merchants network globally.
In the countdown to the opening of the Asian Games, Ant Group is expanding multiple cross-border digital payment options for international travellers.
This new feature will also soon be available in the AlipayHK app for Hong Kong customers to enjoy the upgraded experience.
During Jan 21-27, Alipay and AlipayHK, both Alipay+ wallet partners, registered rebounds in cross-border transactions.
Splitit’s platform, coupled with’s payment-acquiring capabilities, enables AliExpress shoppers to pay after delivery.