UBS shareholders approve re-election of Axel A. Weber as Chairman
UBS Group AG (SWX:UBSG) has reported the results of the Annual General Meeting 2021. UBS shareholders approved all proposals of the Board of Directors at the AGM.
The shareholders supported the re-election of Axel A. Weber (92.02%) as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. They also confirmed the election of fellow Board members Jeremy Anderson (98.96%), William C. Dudley (99.03%), Reto Francioni (98.85%), Fred Hu (89.97%), Mark Hughes (99.03%), Nathalie Rachou (96.55%), Julie G. Richardson (94.89%), Dieter Wemmer (98.86%) and Jeanette Wong (98.67%) for a one-year term of office.
Shareholders elected Claudia Böckstiegel (99.22%) and Patrick Firmenich (99.25%) as new members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term of office.
In addition, the shareholders confirmed Julie G. Richardson (92.97%), Reto Francioni (93.97%), Dieter Wemmer (94.17%) and Jeanette Wong (96.85%) as members of the Compensation Committee for a one-year term of office.
Shareholders approved the management report and the consolidated and standalone financial statements for the 2020 financial year of UBS Group AG by 99.49%. They also ratified the Compensation Report 2020 in an advisory vote by 85.72%.
Shareholders approved the appropriation of total profit and an ordinary dividend distribution of USD 0.37 (gross) per share in cash (99.60%).
Importantly, the shareholders approved the request of a capital reduction by way of cancellation of 156,632,400 shares repurchased under the 2018–2021 share buyback program (99.51%). They approved the new 2021–2024 share buyback program (93.15%).