FCA warns of Instagram influencer @Jamie.tradesfx
UK financial regulator The FCA issued a warning regarding a popular Instagram influencer who has been peddling investment advice without […]
Jamie Shepherd Forex is a popular Instagram influencer who has been peddling investment advice without a license, according to UK financial regulator The FCA.
The FCA issued a warning in July 2020 stating that Jamie Shepherd, who goes on Instagram as @Jamie.tradesfx and @Jamie.fba, has been providing financial services or products in the UK without authorisation.
A quick check of Instagram reveals that both named accounts are now down. However we believe that Jamie Shepherd has just changed to similarly worded handles and takes on Jamie / Forex / FX / trades, and is still actively posting. Most of the posts put him in front of a luxury car of some sort, a common practice used by online scammers aiming to convince people that they are credible and making lots of money.
UK financial regulator The FCA issued a warning regarding a popular Instagram influencer who has been peddling investment advice without […]