Exness trading volumes for April 2022 top $2.1 trillion
Leading multi-asset broker Exness continued its very strong start to the year, with the company reporting client trading volumes of $2.105 trillion for April 2022.
April’s volumes were 15% below March’s record of $2.48 trillion at Exness, but still registered as the second best month in the company’s history – and only the second time any Retail FX and CFDs broker topped the $2 trillion mark.
Exness also saw a slight slowing from March in terms of active traders – 281,279 versus 301,575 – but still the second best month ever for Exness by that important measure.
So far in 2022 Exness is averaging a staggering $1.92 trillion in client trading volumes, more than double 2021’s $922 billion.
April also saw Exness onboard a new Chief Marketing Officer, former PokerStars executive Alfonso Cardalda, as was exclusively reported by FNG.