New MT5 beta build offers extended OpenBLAS support and general performance optimization
On Friday, November 22, 2024, fintech company MetaQuotes will release a new beta version (build 4695) of the MetaTrader 5 platform.
The MQL5 update introduces support for more OpenBLAS library functions, as well as the TransposeConjugate and CompareEqual functions. They will provide wider opportunities for working with matrices and vectors.
In addition, the developers have fixed the compatibility for the Python integration package. It now operates with any Python version up to 3.13.
The platform operations related to price data have been optimized and accelerated.
Terminal: Changed calculations for the position, order and deal values. The value is now displayed in the account deposit currency rather than the base currency of the trading symbol:
Terminal: Optimized and accelerated unpacking of tick data and price history, which will increase the chart loading speed.
Terminal: Updated user interface translations.
MQL5: Added new OpenBLAS methods:
- EigenSolver2 – compute generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a pair of ordinary square matrices (lapack function GGEV).
- EigenSolverX – compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a regular square matrix in Expert mode, i.e. with the ability to influence the computation algorithm and the ability to obtain accompanying computation data (lapack function GEEVX).
- EigenSolverShur – compute eigenvalues, the upper triangular matrix in Schur form, and the matrix of Schur vectors (lapack function GEES).
- EigenSymmetricRobust – compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric or Hermitian (complex conjugate) matrix using the Multiple Relatively Robust Representations, MRRR algorithm (lapack functions SYEVR, HEEVR).
- EigenSymmetricBisect – compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric or Hermitian (complex conjugate) matrix using the bisection algorithm (lapack functions SYEVX, HEEVX).
New methods for complex matrices have been added to MQL5.
MetaTrader 5 Web Terminal now supports the Request execution type for large-volume orders and an extended description of the reason for requests rejected by a broker.
The final build of the new MetaTrader 5 platform will be released after the completion of this beta testing phase.