CQG rolls out new version of desktop platform
CQG, a leading global provider of high-performance technology solutions for traders, brokers, commercial hedgers, and exchanges, has just released a new version of its desktop platform.
- CQG Desktop Version 5.9 offers new trading interface tailored for equities for more order size options by cash amount and account percentage.
- In terms of smaller changes, let’s note that Solidus price formatting is now left justified on HOT.
- The latest version of the platform also gives traders the ability to create multiple bids and offers at once.
- It also provides support for GTD order duration in HMS.
In the preceding release of the platform, traders got the ability to create both bid and offer side. Also, an HTA pricing type was introduced. On top of that, users of the platform got the ability to add time columns to hedge account balances.
Let’s note that version 5.7 of the platform enriched the variety of studies available to traders, as Stochastic momentum study and Adaptive Moving Average study were added.
In May this year, the platform added more partner widgets, as it introduced new widgets from the CME Group. Traders can access them and widgets from other partners in the App Store widget group.