DigitalX appoints Jonathon Carley as Acting Chief Operating Officer
DigitalX Limited (ASX:DCC) today announces the appointment of Mr Jonathon Carley as the Company’s Acting Chief Operating Officer.

Mr Carley is currently DigitalX’s Chief Financial Officer and has been in this role for over three years. Prior to this, he was Group Financial Controller and Company Secretary for a large IT technology services and cloud provider. Mr Carley is member of the Chartered Accountant Australian New Zealand (CAANZ) and a Fellow of the Governance of Australia.
Mr Greg Dooley, a Non-Executive Director of the Company, has also agreed to consult to the Company during this period to further support the Company’s execution of its strategy and it’s day-to-day operations.
Mr Dooley is a highly experienced corporate executive and was formerly the Managing Director of leading international share registry company, Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited for 13 years.
DigitalX continues its global executive search for an experienced Chief Executive Officer.