Cboe outlines new trading floor dress code
Cboe has presented the dress code for its new trading floor. The requirements come into effect on June 6, 2022.
The purpose of the Cboe New Trading Floor dress code is to ensure a business-like atmosphere is maintained on the Exchange’s new trading floor. The dress code will be supplemented by reasonableness, common sense, and good taste so that trading floor appearance reflects the reputation of the Exchange within the securities industry.
The dress code must be complied with at the point of entry to the Trading Floor. Violators of the dress code may be denied access or fined in accordance with Exchange Rules.
Appropriate attire:
- Casual pants
- Denim jeans
- Skirts and dresses
- Shirts with collars, blouses, and other business casual shirts
- Casual closed-toe shoes or clean sneakers
Inappropriate attire:
- Hats or baseball caps
- T-shirts, athletic shirts, or service fatigues
- Shorts or sweatpants
- Any clothing that is tattered, has holes, or is otherwise unsightly, disrespectful, or inappropriate
Strictly Prohibited:
- Sandals, flip-flops, or open-toe shoes
No food will be allowed on the New Trading Floor in the trading locations. Nuts and seeds in shells will not be allowed.
In circumstances where a particular trading area is deemed in violation (e.g., shells or garbage on the floor) but specific offending individual(s) cannot be determined, fines may be distributed to all personnel in the area. These reasonable policies are expected to be respectfully adhered to by all, as all will benefit from a well-maintained facility.