Cboe Global Markets to introduce Cboe Dedicated Cores for EDGA Equities
Cboe Global Markets plans to introduce Cboe Dedicated Cores effective Monday, February 26, 2024, for its Cboe EDGA Equities Exchange, subject to regulatory review.
Dedicated Cores is a new optional service allowing Members and Sponsored Participants to host their specific logical order entry ports on their own dedicated CPU core(s). Dedicated Cores is expected to provide reduced latency, enhanced throughput, and improved performance by utilizing the full processing power of a CPU core. Currently, CPU cores are shared by logical order entry ports on a given server.
Upon the effective date, firms will be able to request a new BOE logical order entry port be assigned to their own dedicated CPU core while also continuing to utilize BOE logical order entry ports on shared CPU cores as done today. This will enable firms to operate across a mix of shared and dedicated CPU cores for additional risk and capacity management.
Upon the effective date, Dedicated Cores will be available as an optional service on EDGA to Members and Sponsored Participants utilizing the BOE order entry protocol. There will be no changes to the BOE order entry protocol for the introduction of Dedicated Cores.
Each Member will be limited to a maximum number of 10 Dedicated Cores, and each Sponsored Access Participant will be limited to a maximum number of four Dedicated Cores per Sponsored Access relationship.