Cboe BYX Equities to increase maximum allowed dedicated cores
Effective July 1, 2024, Cboe BYX Equities Exchange (BYX) will increase the maximum number of Cboe Dedicated Cores allowed per Member and Sponsored Access Participant, subject to regulatory review.
Upon the effective date, the maximum number of Dedicated Cores allowed for each Member will be increased from 20 to 60. In addition, the maximum number of Dedicated Cores for each Sponsored Access Participant access relationship will be increased from 8 to 25.
Cboe will continue monitoring Dedicated Core interest by our Members and allotment availability with the goal of increasing these limits to meet our Members’ needs.
As each Dedicated Core only supports a single BOE logical port, when requesting a new BOE logical port firms must request the new logical port be hosted on a Dedicated Core. Risk settings for BOE logical ports on Dedicated Cores can be managed independently, and firms utilizing such ports are encouraged to confirm risk settings prior to use.