Clients of eToro AUS Capital can now make use of crypto transfer
Crypto Transfer is now available to clients of eToro AUS Capital Limited.
Transferring coins refers to the action of withdrawing supported cryptoassets from the eToro investment platform and moving them into the eToro Money Crypto Wallet, which is a mobile app available on both iOS and Android devices. You can also withdraw supported cryptoassets from the eToro Money Crypto Wallet to an external wallet of your choice should you choose to.
The list of cryptocurrencies currently available for transfer includes: $BTC, $BCH, $ETH, $LTC, $TRX, $XRP, and $XLM.
Transferring coins is one-way only, which means that any crypto you transfer from the investment platform to your wallet cannot be transferred back. Cryptoassets held under CopyTrader and Smart Portfolio positions are not available for transfer to the eToro Money Crypto wallet. You will need to have a cell phone verified with SMS capabilities to use the wallet. Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is mandatory for the eToro Money app.
You will have to initiate a transfer for each position you would like to move into your wallet individually. You cannot initiate a single transfer to move all your positions under one asset.