Saxo Bank enhances SaxoPartnerConnect platform
Multi-asset investment specialist Saxo Bank has recently made enhancements to the SaxoPartnerConnect (SPC) platform.
Saxo has enhanced the Excel support in the Transactions report to include all the details previously available only in the PDF version.
The export feature now offers both a basic and a detailed version. By selecting the toggle to include details, all information will be incorporated into the export. The additional data is organised into two separate tabs called ‘Trades’ and ‘Booking’.
The Portfolio depreciation End-of-Day (EOD) file will be enhanced to include the following additional data columns:
- Since Inception’, ‘Year to Date (YTD)’ and ‘Quarter to date (QTD)’ Performance.
- ‘Since Inception’, ‘Year to Date (YTD)’ and ‘Quarter to date (QTD)’ Profit and Loss.
Partners with access to Model Manager will now have the possibility of creating model of models.
This feature will enable them to combine multiple ‘simple models’ in fixed proportions to create one overarching model of models. This model of models can then be linked to client accounts for the purpose of rebalancing.