Erik Tim Müller to leave Eurex and Deutsche Börse Group
Erik Tim Müller, CEO of Eurex Clearing AG, has informed the Supervisory Board of Eurex Clearing that he will not serve another three-year term after March 2025 and offered to assist Deutsche Börse with the transition.
He will leave Deutsche Börse Group by year end 2025 to pursue new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Erik Tim Müller joined Deutsche Börse in 1997, taking over Group Treasury and Investor Relations after the IPO in 2001. He then became Managing Director for Corporate Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions. Since 2013 he is a member of the Executive Board of Eurex Clearing AG and member of the Eurex Deutschland Management Board.
Erik Tim Müller also serves on the Board of ISDA and is a member of the CFTC’s Global Markets Advisory Committee.
Erik Tim Müller says:
“It’s been a great honour to help shape the successful development of Deutsche Börse Group and Eurex in different leadership roles. Thank you to all colleagues, clients, partners and regulators for your continued support.”