Nasdaq launches Nasdaq Data Link
Nasdaq today announced the launch of Nasdaq Data Link, a cloud-based technology platform that empowers all segments of the investing public with a comprehensive suite of core financial, fund and alternative data. The platform connects the global financial community to the information needed to generate alpha, manage risk and gain transparency into public and private markets.
Nasdaq’s acquisition of Quandl in 2018 accelerated its vision to unify access to a broad portfolio of data and insights from across Nasdaq’s businesses and network of global partners, empowering users to efficiently discover and integrate market data and analytics for their investment strategies and financial applications. Quandl’s technology serves as the new platform’s underlying infrastructure, ensuring seamless user experience and continued delivery of high-performance APIs.
Nasdaq customers can now access an expanding library of datasets via cloud APIs to manage, discover, and integrate new information with ease. The delivery of this information includes streaming, restful APIs as well as other methods of receiving content. The platform will also provide secure, end-to-end data hosting through managed infrastructure and services that enable users to privately share proprietary data, manage data access, and monitor data quality over time within a single organization.
“Nasdaq Data Link is a key step in delivering on our commitment to creating an innovative and transparent data marketplace, allowing more people to access information,” said Lauren Dillard, Executive Vice President and Head of Investment Intelligence, Nasdaq. “The financial industry continues to experience rapid digitalization coupled with an accelerated need for intelligent insights. With the new platform, Nasdaq is bringing our data and technology to bear, helping our clients drive better investment outcomes and build better solutions for the community they serve.”