iSAM Securities unveils new website to enhance client experience
The website displays the group’s products across three key categories: Liquidity, iSAM Securities RADAR and iSAM Securities APEX.
The website displays the group’s products across three key categories: Liquidity, iSAM Securities RADAR and iSAM Securities APEX.
Barry Flanigan has been an integral part of iSAM Securities including Head of Distribution, Liquidity and Electronic Trading.
Prior to joining iSAM Securities, Azadeh Kasraei worked as the Global Head of Client Success at Hidden Road.
iSAM Securities liquidity now includes China H Shares, Cocoa, Coffee Arabica, Coffee Robusta, Cotton, Singapore 30 and Sugar Raw.
The new integration expands iSAM Securities’ clients’ reporting capabilities directly from the APEX liquidity bridge to TRAction.
James Wale has over 15 years of experience in institutional sales including notable roles at CMC Markets, Varengold Bank, and FIXI plc.
iSAM Securities RADAR allows users to manage risk through intraday monitoring of book performance and profitability.
FNG sat down with MD at iSAM Securities, Sam Johnson, to find out more about the future of Crypto deposits within the brand.
FNG is pleased to speak today with Barry Flanigan, Head of e-Trading at leading prime-of-prime broker iSAM Securities.