Italy’s CONSOB blocks websites of two unauthorized crypto services providers
Italy’s Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered the blocking of the websites run by two unauthorized crypto services providers.
The targeted websites belong to:
- ‘Dobibo’ (websites,, and
- ‘Fameexn’ (websites,
For the first time, the supervisory authority has exercised its powers under the new European regulation on crypto-assets (Micar), blocking (resolution nn. 23422 and 23423 of 12 February 2025) the above-mentioned websites.
At the same time, interventions are continuing to counter financial abuse that exploits the well-known names of prominent figures in the institutional or business world. Consob has blacked out the ‘’ website (, which was advertising abusive financial services on the web, improperly referring to the Fininvest/Mediaset brands and some members of the Berlusconi family. Last November, a similar intervention had concerned websites referring to well-known figures in politics and institutions.
The latest unauthorised investment websites blocked by Consob include:
- TORO500′ and related page (resolution no. 23428 of 12 February 2025);
- Trading42 Ltd – Trading42 Financial’ and related page (resolution no. 23427 of 12 February 2025);
- Fpmarketseu’ (resolution no. 23426 of 12 February 2025);
- ‘AllFinanz Plus’ and related page (resolution n. 23424 of 12 February 2025).
A total of 10 websites were blacked out this week. The number of websites blocked by Consob since July 2019, when the Authority got the power to order the blocking of websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries, has thus risen to 1226.
The black-out of these websites by Internet service providers operating on Italian territory is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the blocking to be implemented.