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Gerald Segal

Gerald is one of the most experienced writers covering the online trading sector. Prior to starting FNG, Gerald founded Forex industry B2B news website in 2010, selling it in 2018 to publicly traded Catena Media plc (STO:CTM). An avid skier, cyclist and ice hockey player, Gerald was previously an investment banker for more than a decade at Bear Stearns, Robertson Stephens, and Merrill Lynch. Gerald holds an MBA from Columbia University in New York and a BCOM degree from the University of Toronto.


  1. Andrew Saks
    June 22, 2023 @ 8:36 am

    ‘Real’ regulators can do better?
    They allowed Wirecard to steal millions in Germany, have allowed bank collapse after bank collapse with the public left to pick up the cost after nationalization. They have allowed people like Bankman-Fried to be responsible officers of firms, only to steal all the money and get away with it.
    FX rate fixing, insider dealing, financial crises caused by irresponsible lending… you name it., the ‘regulators’ allow it, all the while trying to stop challenger banks because they’re in bed with the old school tie brigade on Wall Street (and other financial centers).
    Not only that, but the so-called benchmark for regulatory oversight, the SEC and CFTC are administered by political senators. Corrupt is an understatement.
    Lastly, Canadian regulator? Does anyone listen to anything Canadian? That is a nation whose prime minister water cannoned its own citizens for talking to their friends, dragged elderly people by their feet just for sitting on a park bench, and when the public protested to try to save their livelihoods, the government froze their bank accounts. I would not trust Canadian authorities with $1!
    Decentralization and moving away from the big government is the best use of our technology and resources.


    • James R
      June 22, 2023 @ 10:18 am

      just because government regulators suck doesn’t mean you can hold yourself out as a regulator, while really running a for profit business. FinaCom and anyone associated with it should be held accountable.


  2. Andrew Saks
    June 22, 2023 @ 12:49 pm

    Accountable for what exactly?
    I speak from an impartial standpoint here.
    Most ‘regulators’ are no different at all, and in many cases have an awful track record of corruption, taking money and levies and then allowing all kinds of crimes to take place under their noses, the cost of which gets transferred to the taxpayer.
    A lot of backscratching happens too aside from what I mentioned in my first comment. Do you not think that when Plus500 listed in the UK, the spread betting firms didn’t lobby the FCA to see them off just to protect their business against a company that was clearly far more efficient?
    That’s just one example. And as for Canada… well – my previous comments on the way its authorities treat its citizens should be enough not to take it seriously.
    The question is, what should Finacom be held accountable for?
    Surely the chastisement of regulators should be applied to all, official or otherwise?
    I think it’s time the fintech business stopped kowtowing to government authorities which ultimately want them out of the way because them and the banks are in it together. The trail of destruction presided over by the authorities and regulators over the past 15 years even after very costly overhauls is enough to realize they are either incompetent or highly corrupt.
    Perhaps this is more relevant – the two entities mentioned in this article are owners of rival businesses to this publication.


    • Island trader
      June 26, 2023 @ 11:26 pm

      Totally agree asic in Australia is exactly the same , they have never had the interests of the public at heart and like political institutions in Australia corruption runs deep, I make sure that my trading accounts are as far away from these corrupt incompetents as possible, I think that you are correct, decentralisation of personal assets is the answer, tho these governments will fight tooth and nail for control.


  3. James R
    June 27, 2023 @ 10:03 am

    You both @Andrew Saks, @Island trader are totally missing the point here.
    Not going to argue with either of you about your antigovernment manifestos. Even if you’re right, that doesn’t make it right for someone to set up a fake regulator website and start handing out fake credentials, selling credibility to crappy brokers as a for-profit business.


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